Monthly Archives: October 2008

Mark Maron and Sam Seder deliver on McDesperate

Watch and/or listen to the daily here. This is Amerika! ๐Ÿ˜‰

I direct your attention to …

The man behind the curtain, John McCain. His name is at the top of the ticket and all the literature and ads the campaign puts out. The buck stops with his friggin ass.

And that doddering ole fuck needs to get a firm grip on reality. His campaign is spiraling out of control. People are talking major shit and make no mistake..its all shit. He acts like he is above the fray, but baby….its you on the line..your entire career is on the line.

And I wonder how in the hell it will survive this smarmy-friggin-campaign dude.

I really do. Because if you, John Sidney McCain aren’t the man behind the curtain..he’s fucking you bad dude..seriously.

In other news, Clyde is sans lampshade and much happier. If we can just get him to quick licking his ass all will be right in the world..or that small part of it.

Thank Gawd for feline tramadol..who knew? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Manchester United!

Its a great group that is looking for new members…oh, shit..wait!

Its Writers United and the title is a bit self-explanatory. It was the brainchild of Utah Savage, who like fine wine gets better with age. ๐Ÿ™‚

I will get your email addresses in the comments section of this post, and sign you up for this private blog of creative, fiction-loving fools…I mean writers. ;>p

Haloscan will record your email and send it to me, so make sure the email you use is the correct one please. Do not print your email address publicly in the comment section, use the area provided under your name.

Also, feel free to email me there with what tools you need on the site, or whatever you call them. It’s a naked site right now and it’s not pretty.

Michelle Bachmann voted against the new GI Bill…isn’t that Un-Amerikan?

From Americans United for Change:

On May 15th, 2008, Rep. Bachmann unapologetically voted against meaningful legislation to establish and fund a 21st century G.I. Bill that ensures our fighting men and women returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan no longer have to worry about paying for a quality college education. The original GI Bill launched millions of families on a course to achieving the American dream โ€“ and set the American economy on the right course after a draining war. The new G.I. Bill will help do the same today in an economy slipping further towards a full scale recession. With no help from the Congresswoman, the 21st Century G.I. Bill was signed into law on June 30th. AUFC launched this television ad in May called โ€˜Lip Serviceโ€™ in the Twin Cities media market holding Rep. Bachmann to account for failing to support the troops when they return home:

Hello there..

How ya doing? Let me tell you about my weekend….

My son came over Sunday morning as is his usual and we were visiting in my bedroom, shooting the shit when he started loving on Clyde. Suddenly he screamed out..WTF IS WRONG WITH HIS ASS????

Clyde, the Siamese and ONLY non-feral cat and I spent untold hours in the animal ER Sunday. One of his anal glands ruptured.

This is not a pretty site, it horrified me. I raced him to the only animal ER in town and dropped two hundred bucks (cash or debit card only) on my little first born man cat. We went home with lots of things to do, such as:

Hold a warm compress to his butt for five minutes three times a day
Give him liquid antibiotics twice a day…thank god and greyhound I am quite adept at dosing a cat..years of experience thank you very much.
Keep the ugly lampshade on his noggin and only take it off so he can eat or drink water…then immediately put it back on so he doesn’t lick his butt.

The compress thing is a pain in the lol..ass but the worst part is the Elizabethan collar…aka the lampshade. I figured out quickly that it was far easier to develop a way for him to eat and drink out of certain bowls than take off and put back on that fucking thing whenever he seemed to want to eat or drink.

The other nightmare is that Clyde is not happy with the lampshade on. He does nothing but pace and cry. In fact, he cried so much he became hoarse after just a few hours. We kept him in my bedroom/office and all the other felines were locked out because frankly, they were laughing their fool heads off at him and thats not nice at all. Plus they wanted to slap at the lampshade and watch Clyde go batshit crazy.

So Clyde would eventually cry himself to sleep and I could lay down and sleep too…for a whole hour at a time.

Needless to say I am quite cranky this morning and awaiting my vet’s office opening so I can call in for some sedatives and pain meds…for Clyde.

Somehow I think my doc wouldn’t write out a prescription for sedatives for me based on Clyde’s wound…what do you think?

Photo is an old one of Clyde in happier times..I didn’t have the heart to take one of his current state.