Category Archives: Peace Research Institute

A new Caucus, and a new Place for Peace.

First the group. It’s called the “Out of Iraq Bloggers Caucus” or OOIBC for short. Its sole mission is getting us the hell out of Iraq. It’s a coalition of progressive bloggers from various points left of center; united in our opposition to the war in Iraq. You might want to stop by and check it out. See who’s in the Caucus. It was started by Vern who is connected to Jerilyn’s, the great legal blog site for a progressive spin on all the legal news and wranglings of the day.

I was warmly welcomed by Vern and several of the other bloggers in the Caucus. The other night my back as usual was screaming and I couldn’t sleep. So, I wandered over there to check out the blogroll and put up my inaugural post about the Iraq War and what I saw as a current travesty. I saw at the bottom of their blogroll; Willie Nelson’s Peace Research Institute.

I have loved and admired Willie Nelson since I was knee high to my daddy. We always had music on the old player and my dad loved Willie and passed that love on to me. But I digress..

Willie has started something good and patriotic. He and his staff are dedicated to righting the wrongs and seeing Peace come into everyone’s life. They have some lofty noble goals:

The Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute believes in the Promise of Peace on Earth in Our Lifetime as the Birthright of Our Global Human Family.

  • Peace on Earth is possible NOW with Unconditional Love.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the Golden Rule from the Highest Order.
  • Peace on Earth is possible NOW with Unyielding Hope.
  • Replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts to create positive results.
  • Peace on Earth is possible NOW with Unlimited Compassion.
  • Open your heart and make connections to people everywhere and to the world around us.

Willie is having a contest. He has put out a song on the Internets for free called: A Peaceful Solution. He has also released various versions of this song just in case you like different types of music. Something great happened..Other musicians started recording their versions of the song..then people started using it in YouTube videos..and Willie decided to run a contest. He wants everyone to make a video for Peace, or record their own version of the song.

So, I took Willie up on his offer. His folks said they liked my YouTube and asked if they could do a post about me and my views on Peace and post my video. I said ..sure! Because when its all said and done..I pray for Peace. Yes, I surely do. I can be a caustic ol witch..but I want Peace in my lifetime. I believe it’s possible too.

So, if you would like to join Willie’s contest, click here. If you would like to take a gander at the writeup they did about moi and check it out click here. Read what they have to say over there about what they want to do..its worth the few minutes of your life..I promise it will make you smile and fill your heart with a song. If it doesn’t your in need of a vacation my dear reader because your much to cynical if you don’t feel better after visiting the PRI site.

I also have their buttons on the Left Sidebar..they will always be there in case you change your mind 🙂

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