Category Archives: Ron Paul

First Republican straw poll of the season and it’s a doozy!

Lawd have mercy, what a selection of Republicans, most right, many way right, to choose from! Politico of course has the 411, see the bottom of the post for how the email alert words the same information:

Romney won with 35 percent, beating second-place finisher Ron Paul by 24 points in the WMUR-ABC News straw poll of members of the state Republican Party. In third place was former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who won 8 percent—just one point ahead of Sarah Palin, who drew 7 percent.

*jump to*

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann won 5 percent, pizza mogul Herman Cain took 4 percent, and Santorum won 3 percent—tied with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, Indiana Rep. Mike Pence and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

The Half-Term Governor from AK did better than I expected and Pence the fuckwit did worse.Santorum and Batshit Bachmann should of gotten nothing, but there is no accounting for some folks tastes is there? Now, the news alert I got in my email put it this way:

The full results from the WMUR/ABC/N.H. Republican Party presidential straw poll are: Mitt Romney with 35% of the 273 ballots cast, Ron Paul with 11%, Tim Pawlenty with 8% and Sarah Palin with 7%. The remaining results: Michele Bachmann and Jim DeMint with 5% each; Herman Cain with 4%; Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Mitch Daniels and Mike Huckabee with 3% each; Rudy Giuliani, Judd Gregg, Gary Johnson and “other” with 2% each; and Donald Trump and Haley Barbour with 1% each. Jon Huntsman Jr. and John Thune were on the ballot but received no votes.(emphasis mine)

I did laugh my brown ass off over Thune’s returns or lack thereof. I howled over Haley Barbour’s one percent. 😉 All, in all, the actual Politico writeup seemed much kinder and gentler to the assholes in the bunch, wouldn’t you say?

Ron Paul supports Assange and Wikileaks – Be still my heart!

I shouldn’t be surprised as Paul voted with the Dim’s to extend the tax cuts for the lower and middle class.. From Politico:

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) is taking a stand as one of Julian Assange’s few defenders in Washington, arguing the Wikileaks founder should get the same protections as the media.

Read his entire logical, to me anyway, thoughts here. And he said it on Faux Business Channel of all places.

GOP hates Bob Barr..

And why wouldn’t they? He is a right of the center guy that seems to have more scruples than any Rethug on the ballot. Yes, I am looking at you John Weathervane McCain. According to the NYT writeup yesterday, Barr is trying to appeal to the vast majority of Ron Paul enthusiasts, of which there are many.

Third party candidates can fuck up a party’s wetdream. Nader has done it to the Dem’s and Ross Perot did it to the Rethugs. From the NYT writeup:

On the ballots in 30 states so far, Mr. Barr has the chance to be a spoiler for Mr. McCain, the presumed Republican nominee, in several states, among them Alaska, Colorado and Georgia. Mr. Barr’s campaign advisers also assert he has similar potential in other mountain states, New Hampshire, Ohio and other swing states.

The Republican Party and the McCain campaign have swatted away the Barr candidacy, but some Republicans are taking it seriously. If the early polls hold up, and Senator Barack Obama, the presumed Democratic nominee, pours heavy resources into Georgia, that state could be up for grabs, said Senator Johnny Isakson, Republican of Georgia.

Nader isn’t a new face on the general election front and I personally think any damage he will do to the Democratic nominee is marginal, but Barr could embarass the Rethugs. A point to make, and the NYT does, is that no Libertarian has ever gotten more than 1% of the vote. Money isn’t flowing into this campaign yet either. From the NYT writeup:

Yet Mr. Barr faces formidable obstacles. No Libertarian candidate has ever won more than 1 percent of the vote in a presidential election, and Mr. Barr is severely lacking in money, resources and name recognition. He has yet to lease a campaign headquarters, have a fund-raiser, tape a television advertisement or hold a campaign event.

There is also the fact that the convention which nominated him wasn’t completely behind him either. It took six votes to hand Barr the nomination, and it was by a very thin margin. Before anyone gets excited about Barr, they should consider his record as a former Rethug member. His votes for the Patriot Act bill, the Iraq AUMF, impeaching Bill Clinton and sponsoring the anti-gay Defense of Marriage Act in 1996 shouldn’t endear him to anyone but the most right of the rightwing nutjobs.

Barr is attempting to distance himself from those votes now however, blaming them on the (R) after his name at the time. He now states he is “for a speedy and complete withdrawal of troops, with no permanent bases; on same-sex marriage, he believes that states should make their own laws; and on wiretaps without warrants, he is fiercely opposed, arguing that the bill that would legalize searches without warrants violates an individual’s constitutional rights”.

Barr is eyeballing the Ron Paulistas right now that consider themselves Libertarian. The Paul supporters aren’t flocking to Barr at this point however. Some are highly pissed off that Barr is pandering specifically to Ron Paul supporters. Ron Paul has refused to endorse Barr’s candidacy as well.

The long and short of it is how much support in November Barr and Nader will draw from the two main parties. Polls, which I hate with a passion, are showing both Nader and Barr garnering 3% of the vote in specific toss-up states. Obama’s bean counters are happy that Barr has joined the fray, saying he might make the difference in states which are important and still close between Obama and McCain.

All in all, it remains to be seen what Barr can is his nemisis right now, and the same goes for Nader. This general election season looks to be all about the money and breaking records for how much you can raise and spend. Obama has the edge there and frankly I just want to get past the Democratic convention and head into the final stretch..I am so ready to get this shit over with, it ain’t even funny.

Like Kucinich before him..Ron Paul to protect his congressional seat.

Thank God..let the voters in his district in Texas put up with him. Ron Paul, per MSNBC, has scaled back his presidential run and is focusing on his congressional primary race, Paul spokesman Jesse Benton acknowledged.

Paul is being challenged by Republican Galveston City Councilman Chris Peden in the 14th congressional district for the March 4th Republican primary, the same day as the Texas presidential primary. Paul’s name will appear on the ballot for both races in that district. Paul has raised $400,000 for the TX-14 race, Benton said. Paul cannot use his presidential funds for congressional primary, since he has not withdrawn. The campaign has about $5 million on hand for the presidential race, Benton said.

Buh Bye Ron Paul 😉

On the $5 million, Benton said, “We’re not looking to take any with us. We’re going to spend it on what donors contributed it for.” Even though he said they’re “looking to spend every dime on the presidential race,” he acknowledged that there is certainly an “organization that has been built out of this campaign” that they will use after the presidential race, including their more than 300,000-person e-mail list.

He managed to build a nice little nest egg for ‘other activities’ wouldn’t you say?

Ron Paul, Americas Bigot-Redux

I am quite certain that the legions of Ron Paul followers aren’t liking the latest TNR piece about him, nor any of the blogosphere’s minions that are sounding the alarm about this man. I of course am one of those blogosphere minions that want it to be crystal clear;

Ron Paul is a Bigot and a Racist. That he would allow anyone to write and publish such disgusting diatribes under his name and masthead says volume’s about the man and his beliefs.

The reason I bring this up again so soon after my own post about the newsletters is that I read a very interesting post today authored by someone that actually did ghostwriting for newsletters like Paul’s and knows about which she speaks. The Orcinus is a blog that I have read in the past and I find it intelligently written, without an ounce of screaming nutjob attached…unlike moi who does have a bad habit of putting my personal pov into my rantings..and sometimes not enough fact. But back to Sara’s piece on Ron Paul’s newsletters..

The title of her post: Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast, was of course a play on Alice in Wonderland. It’s quite long and perhaps some folks do not want to take the time to digest it let me give you some of the highlights:

Back in the day (which corresponds closely to the heyday of The Ron Paul Survival Report), newsletter clients retained my services as a writer under a work-for-hire contract. That means that — unlike other writing work, to which I retain all legal rights — the client ordered me to produce work carefully-tailored to their own needs, bought that work outright, owned all rights to it, and put their own names on it. (That’s what makes it ghosted. My name might have appeared in a masthead, or nowhere.) My job was to take their ideas, make them sound pretty, and organize the whole into a coherent, readable newsletter. Legally and ethically, it was just as though they’d produced the piece themselves.(emphasis mine)


If one of those clients stood up years later and insisted that no, they didn’t say that — “she put words in my mouth that I never knew about!” — I’d be very very quick to point out that they bought it…and they own it. When they put their names over my words, they claimed full responsibility for them. Once their check cleared, it was theirs. They can’t go around blaming me for any problems that might result, because they had full control and ownership from the get.

As Sara points out at the end of her article..Ron Paul can not have it both ways. He is either a man that approves of racism and bigotry that was written on his behalf and paid for by him..or he is just another bullshit politician “using “straight talk” to wow the crowds when it suits his purposes, but equally quick to tell lies to disassociate himself from decades of unsavory “straight talk” that now threatens to keep him off the national stage.

Ronnie can not have it both ways..nope. He is either a racist or a liar..and neither do I find comforting or allowable on the political stage of United States of America. A parting shot from the TNR article that also shows more of Paul’s ass than he would like:

What’s more, Paul’s connections to extremism go beyond the newsletters. He has given extensive interviews to the magazine of the John Birch Society, and has frequently been a guest of Alex Jones, a radio host and perhaps the most famous conspiracy theorist in America. Jones–whose recent documentary, Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement, details the plans of George Pataki, David Rockefeller, and Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, among others, to exterminate most of humanity and develop themselves into “superhuman” computer hybrids able to “travel throughout the cosmos”–estimates that Paul has appeared on his radio program about 40 times over the past twelve years.

Ron Paul is a wingnut..plain and simply an extremist, racist wingnut. Alex Jones is a conspiracy guy that doesn’t bother me as much as some folks. As for Ron Paul..Anyone that supports him must accept the fact that their go-to guy hates people of color and won’t own up to it now that he is on the main political stage. Does that make his followers racists too? I hope not. I hope it just means they are uninformed as to what their candidate of choice actually stands for.

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