Monthly Archives: August 2006

Barbara Boxer to appear on Countdown tonight

She will hopefully discuss her press release today( 8 pm MSNBC), which you can read here, or skim through my post of it below.

Press Release of Senator Boxer

Boxer to Offer Sense of the Senate Resolution Calling for Rumsfeld to be Replaced

Calls on Bush to stop scaring the American people and start protecting them

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Los Angeles, CA – U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) today announced that when the Senate returns to session and resumes consideration of the Defense Appropriations Bill, she will offer an amendment calling on the President to immediately appoint a new Secretary of Defense.

Boxer said, “This latest Rumsfeld rampage cannot stand. By comparing critics of this Administration’s policies in Iraq with those who wanted to appease fascism and Nazism in the run up to World War II, he is slandering the majority of the American people, who oppose the war in Iraq.”

Boxer’s sense of the Senate resolution also points out that Secretary Rumsfeld failed to adequately plan for post-war operations in Iraq, leading to widespread violence, the rise of sectarian militias, and the rapid growth of the insurgency.

A number of retired generals who served our country with honor and distinction have called for Secretary Rumsfeld’s resignation over his mishandling of the Iraq war, including General Anthony Zinni, General Wesley Clark, Lieutenant General Greg Newbo ld, Major General John Batiste, Major General Charles Swannack Jr., Major General John Riggs, and Major General Paul Eaton, as well as numerous United States Senators.

Boxer also commented today on President Bush’s speech in Utah this afternoon, saying “This latest speech by the President was just a long repetition of old messages and rhetoric to scare the American people. The war in Iraq and the war on terror are not one and the same—it’s time to stop scaring the American people and start protecting them.”

Attached is the text of Boxer’s sense of the Senate resolution on Secretary Rumsfeld:

Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President of the United States should immediately appoint a new Secretary of Defense with the vision and leadership qualities necessary to lead the Department of Defense


September XX, 2006


Expressing the sense of the Senate that the President should immediately appoint a new Secretary of Defense with the vision and leadership qualities necessary to lead the Department of Defense.

Whereas, on August 29, 2006, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld compared critics of the Administration’s policies in Iraq with those who wanted to appease fascism and Nazism in the run up to World War II, and since critics of the Iraq war constitute a majority of Americans, these slanderous comments apply directly to the American people.

Whereas, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld failed to adequately plan for post-war operations in Iraq, leading to widespread violence, the rise of sectarian militias, and the rapid growth of the insurgency. In 2003, the estimated number of insurgents stood at 3,000. Today, it stands at approximately 20,000.

Whereas, a number of retired generals who served our country with honor and distinction have called for Secretary Rumsfeld’s resignation over his mishandling of the Iraq war, including General Anthony Zinni, General Wesley Clark, Lieutenant General Greg Newbold, Major General John Batiste, Major General Charles Swannack Jr., Major General John Riggs, and Major General Paul Eaton, as well as numerous United States Senators.

Whereas, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has not afforded the brave men and women serving in the Armed Forces of the United States the protections and respect they deserve, sending U.S. servicemembers into Iraq without adequate body and vehicle armor. On December 8, 2004, Secretary Rumsfeld told a gathering of soldiers: “As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They’re not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time.”

Whereas, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld presided over the Pentagon during the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, which diminished U.S. standing in the world and caused irreparable harm to the image of the U.S. military.

Whereas, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld twice offered his resignation to President George W. Bush in the wake of the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.

Whereas, U.S. military operations in Iraq have proven to be extremely costly in terms of both lives and treasure to the people of the United States. As of August 31, 2006, 2,635 troops have lost their lives in Iraq and 19,773 have been wounded. On September 30, 2006, the total cost of the Iraq war will reach $318.5 billion.

Whereas, it is long past time that the United States needs renewed leadership at the Pentagon.

Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That–

the Senate calls on the President to appoint a new Secretary with the vision and leadership qualities necessary to lead the Department of Defense.

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How they voted on Gulf Relief,Vote for Change California!

Hold your elected officials accountable. Do NOT let the Gulf region go to the back pages of your local newspapers. Click the link below to see how your elected fuckwits voted on the major issues which define this administrations and this congresses actions with regard to rebuilding the Gulf and NOLA. Make this an election year issue! Its the least we can do my dear reader. Refuse to “Stay the Course”, vote for CHANGE!

Voting Scorecard: House of Representatives (109th Congress)
Hurricane Relief

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Rummy and the Big-Dick out on tour for the war effort

And basically they are tossing the rest of us, that don’t go with their program, under the bus. Everyone by now has heard or read about Rummy’s rant. The push for the 9/11 anniversary, will now overshadow that of our biggest tragedy, the Gulf Region and NOLA after Katrina.

Thats because they all came off looking like fucking boobs and continue to do so with respect to rebuilding the Gulf. Ah, but 9/11, is vastly different..

It works for them. It gives them an enemy to demonize and rail against. When I saw the headline about Rummy’s speech I just went..oh fuck, are you kidding me? Seriously..I did.

A bunch of American Legionnaires got to listen to Rummy spew some shit the other day. Poor suckers. Of course Rummy was in his element, so it really worked well for him..go figure.So the shills and Oval Office whores will be warming up the audiences’ to the run-up of the anniversary of 9/11. Big-Dick Cheney also gave a barn-burner of a speech at the U.S. Strategic Command in Omaha. He slammed those of us that dare to question or point at them and object to the war machine. Thats his schtick of course.

So Frick and Frack did their stints in front of the home crowds, spewing venom and attacks that in essence will be repeated a million times between now and election day. But Rummy went a step further and really pulled out the big guns, as witnessed by this little writeup over at Ol Rummy gave us these actual questions for us to think on:

Can “we” afford to believe we can negotiate with terrorists? Well, his other choice is I am banking on negotiating..sorry, I am just not into war as a means of solving differences between cultures and countries. And my money is on most of American not being into war as a means to end the bullshit standoffs in the Middle East. So, was he bashing the majority of Americans that do not want to wage war all over the fucking place or what? This part really jacked my jaw: “any kind of moral or intellectual confusion about who and what is right or wrong can weaken the ability of free societies to persevere in any long war.”–Did that fuckwit just say we are in for a long fucking war? Did he say we were “confused”???

His minion explained the remark by saying Rummy just wants us to remember history and what happened in the 30’s. -Excuse me, but that was a totally different type of vile was a country lead by a ruler that was quite obvious, and his troops,well they were dressed for combat and fought a traditional war..if there is such a thing..which btw isn’t how the current bad-guys fight..And then the bag of batshit compared us to the people that wanted to appease Hitler..oh no he didn’t….

Nancy ‘bulldog” Pelosi had this reponse to Rummy’s bitchfest: “If Mr. Rumsfeld is so concerned with comparisons to World War Two, he should explain why our troops have now been fighting in Iraq longer than it took our forces to defeat the Nazis in Europe,”–Good point Nancy, like I said..this old sumbitch is using tactics that were applied to fighting Hitler, to a new breed of vulgar assholes that hide amongst the woman and children, and do not wear uniforms and fight in the open.

Retired Army officer and and Senator from Rhode Island, Jack Reed a member of the Armed Services Committee btw, had this to say about Rummy’s delusional attack on the majority of americans: “Secretary Rumsfeld continually substitutes sloganeering for strategy. And any strategy relies not only on a plan, but also adequate resources. And in the case of Iraq, there was no adequate planning and insufficient resources from the very beginning.”–Thank you Jack, and btw..we don’t have the soldiers to wage a sustained war against everyone we hate or can’t get along with..unless of course we bring back the draft..

Back to the Big-Dick, our VP of whoring..he was really ‘en fuego” too, schilling for Bush by reminding his captive audience of Veterans in Reno of the following: “No one can guarantee that we won’t be struck again. But to have come this far without another attack is no accident,” Cheney said, crediting “sound” decisions by President Bush and vigilance by U.S. agencies and the military.”–Jeebus, I almost bit off my tongue when I read about the “sound decisions”..I shat you not dear reader. And god knows “these guys” and their buddies at the NSA and CIA are just the best at stopping terrorist activities..right? Well, they are really good at spying..on us at least.

All I know is..we are going to get a friggin shitload of warmongering between now and 9/ can take that to the bank my dear reader. Lets hope the Dems’ and those that oppose spending millions of tax dollars,watching thousands of American soldiers die in a losing situation, will keep up the counter-attack on this bravado and bullshit from the Executive Branch’s bullies..I can’t wait for Bush to hit the least he should provide some guffaws..the man can’t put two sentences together without looking like the village idiot…but he is the Main Event on the “Support the war or else” Tour this election season.

Bill Frist lied his butt off..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting He is back peddaling his ass off about it..but he lied. He fraudently filled out his Doctors License renewal stating he had taken required courses..when he didn’t. And you can’t tell me that sumbitch didnt’ KNOW he lied.. To quote the yahoo article:

“The state of Tennessee requires its licensed physicians to complete 40 hours of continuing medical education every two years. Frist, a heart-lung surgeon who is considering a 2008 presidential run, submitted a license renewal with the Tennessee Health Department stating he has fulfilled that requirement.”

Remember my dear reader, Frist is the fuckwit that diagnosed Terry Schiavo by watching a videotape.

This guy is such a pompous douche bag..thanks to First Draft for the headsup. BTW..First Draft has a couple of videos up from NOLA showing the jazz funeral procession from the Dome to St. Augustine’s Church today in tribute. Its very moving.

Whistleblower makes YouTube video..since no one will listen to him.

Sweet jesus in a one would listen to this guy regarding Coast Guard ship security and he did what he had to..he made a friggin YouTube video..pathetic ain’t it? tags: ,