Category Archives: John Conyers

John ‘Torture’ Yoo and Conyers today..

Yoo dances around like the tool he is. This was today’s hearing in front of the Judical Committee. H/T to John Amato at C&L for the heads up on this video. Also Addington’s dumb ass is in this clip as well.

For a nice roundup of today’s hearing..including videos check out TPM Muckraker’s section here.

Don’t forget..tomorrow Scotty McClellan is on the Hill!

It starts bright and early here on the left coast..7am. CSPAN will be covering it live both on tv and their online site.

Look, I don’t have much faith that he will give up any real juicy tidbits, but one can hope for such bounties and watching it will at least provide a break from the election bullshit that all the 24 hour news stations are giving us at this point.

Dipshit will be appearing in front of the House Judiciary committee, which is chaired by John Conyers. They also will most likely provide streaming video.

You can’t bitch about it if you don’t watch it! That’s my story and I am sticking to it. ;p

Graphic by the multi-talented Dark Black.