Category Archives: Scotty McClellan

Don’t forget..tomorrow Scotty McClellan is on the Hill!

It starts bright and early here on the left coast..7am. CSPAN will be covering it live both on tv and their online site.

Look, I don’t have much faith that he will give up any real juicy tidbits, but one can hope for such bounties and watching it will at least provide a break from the election bullshit that all the 24 hour news stations are giving us at this point.

Dipshit will be appearing in front of the House Judiciary committee, which is chaired by John Conyers. They also will most likely provide streaming video.

You can’t bitch about it if you don’t watch it! That’s my story and I am sticking to it. ;p

Graphic by the multi-talented Dark Black.

McClellan’s new book hits the streets early..its a doozy evidently.

Scotty’s new book will not only toss his boss under the bus, it will back up over him. From Politico via Crooks and Liars:

Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a surprisingly scathing memoir to be published next week that President Bush “veered terribly off course,” was not “open and forthright on Iraq,” and took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.

McClellan charges that Bush relied on “propaganda” to sell the war.

He says the White House press corps was too easy on the administration during the run-up to the war.

McClellan asserts that the aides — Karl Rove, the president’s senior adviser, and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the vice president’s chief of staff — “had at best misled” him about their role in the disclosure of former CIA operative Valerie Plame’s identity.

The longtime Bush loyalist also suggests that two top aides held a secret West Wing meeting to get their story straight about the CIA leak case at a time when federal prosecutors were after them — and McClellan was continuing to defend them despite mounting evidence they had not given him all the facts.

EmptyWheel discusses the Rove factor in PlameGate via Scotty’s new tell-all. Check it out. KO and Rachel discuss it all below: