Category Archives: Hardball

Chuck Todd tells us about Obama’s health care plan..

Actually Chuckie gives us his opinion on wtf is going on with regard to healthcare and why. This is from Tweety’s show Hardball this afternoon, view it on my video page here.

A country twice the size of Idaho..

That is Iraq. Its not a huge piece of land, not by a longshot. Yet in our sixth year of warmongering BushCo simply can not end the madness there.

Our federal contractors are making a killing..literally and figuratively.

Yet, we have rightwing nutjobs like the idiot below running their pieholes on tv. This fuckwit didn’t even know who Neville Chamberlain was. He had no sense of history. Yet he was more than willing to yell and bitch and moan about the Democrats. Hat tip to Tweety on this one. Kevin James is a fucking moron who needs to get back on his ADD meds.

Tweety grills Obama supporter last night..

Jesus Christ, wtf is this all about:

I have no love for Tweety. I can’t stand the man. He has given a hard time to folks on both sides of the aisle but was this uncalled for? You tell me..