Category Archives: racists and bigots

Carlos Watson handles the other Buchanan

I saw this exchange Friday morning on MSNBC, and now Crooks and Liars has it in video form..just thought I would share, because Watson does a great job of calling Bay Buchanan on her fuckery. Watch it here on my video page

Pat Buchanan has to go.

Watch his stunning blowup with Rachel Maddow here on my video page and then tell me this old jackass should still be on television representing anyone but the KKK. Rachel invited him on regarding an article he authored on Real Clear Politics about how the GOP should handle Judge Sotomayor.

He also had a dust-up with Pulitzer prize-winning writer Eugene Robinson on Hardball yesterday. Watch that one as well here.

This tired old fuck needs to be put out to Here is my letter to the head of the news department:

Mr. Capus,

I have watched all your political shows for a few years now. I am a devoted viewer and I enjoy the give and take from both sides of the aisle for the most part.

Pat Buchanan has to go. He snapped not once, but twice this week. First on Hardball with Pulitzer prize winning writer and MSNBC contributor Eugene Robinson. Then Thursday night on Rachel Maddow’s show.

The man made flat-out racist comments, no ifs, ands or butt’s about it. It was actually embarrassing to watch a man of his stature sink that low. If those are his true beliefs, I can no longer tolerate him on my television. He has become increasingly shallow and elitist, not to mention sounding like an original member of the KKK.

Going forward, I will not sit and watch Buchanan scream and holler at anyone. I will change the channel. Whether I go back to the show he is on depends on what I find to watch whilst Mr. Buchanan waxes poetic about how the white folks are getting screwed and how racist Judge Sotomayor is. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but giving Mr. Buchanan a soap box from which he sounds like someone in need of a psychological intervention is down right ridiculous and dangerous. Dangerous in that you will be losing loyal viewers.

Relegating Mr. Buchanan to the Morning Joe show might be an alternative. I never watch Morning Joe as it’s thankfully on at 3am here on the left coast.

I would appreciate a response from you sir.

Thank you,
Dusty Taylor

Please feel free to write Mr Capus: if your tired of the old white man waxing racist on MSNBC too.

SDS – Sotomayor Derangement Syndrome

William Rivers Pitt has a good read up at TruthOut this morning. The title is the same as mine-Sotomayor Derangement Syndrome. He lists all the major rightwing nutters that are foaming at the mouth over Judge Sotomayor and her supposed racism. The list is quite long, as you are probably aware. His explanation of SDS:

They called it Bush Derangement Syndrome for eight years: the condition of being berserk with rage, hatred and fear over the acts and actions – nay, even the very existence – of George W. Bush and his administration.


Last week, the malady mutated into a whole new thing – Sotomayor Derangement Syndrome – and boy, but it’s a doozy. Ranting incoherence, brazen racism and suicidal ideation swept through the ranks of the far right after Judge Sotomayor was nominated to replace Justice Souter on the high court, symptoms that became worse by orders of magnitude as the week wore on. By the weekend, those suffering from Sotomayor Derangement Syndrome had not only struck the bottom of the barrel in their attempts to tear the Sotomayor nomination down, but had plowed right through the wood and burrowed deep into the slime and ooze beneath.

They, the nutters, ignore the SCOTUSblog indepth analysis of Judge Sotomayor’s race cases-all 97 of them. The most heinous of these fucktards is Newt Gingrich.

This bigoted wingnut actually is using this issue to raise money. He uses Martin Luther King Jr’s words in his email, from the TIME link:

The email opens with this quote, from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: “I have a dream: that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.”

Wait..there is more..

Of course, no one believes that any judge can be 100% impartial and unbiased in every situation. Judges are human beings, and will occasionally allow their personal biases to cloud their attempts at impartiality.

But this is VERY different — this judge is making it CLEAR that she thinks she SHOULD be biased and partial, based on her ethnicity and gender!

So Newtie is now bellowing his sexist rant as well. Surprised? Not really. Then he adds a small ps at the end:

We need YOUR help to take this fight to Capitol Hill. Please consider supporting Renewing American Leadership with a generous donation today. $25, $50, or $100 will dramatically help us stand strong for the Rule of Law in America!


Paid for by Renewing American Leadership recognized as a public charity by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your generous contribution to support our important work is deductible as a charitable contribution to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Public charity my brown ass. Racism and sexism coming from Newt’s piehole should offend everyone. It should piss off everyone that has two brain cells to rub together..unlike most of Newt’s fan base. William Pitt has this to say about Newt’s fundraising letter to his masses:

Civil war, suffrage, civil rights, un-American … wha? Oh, wait, that’s right, this was a fundraising letter, which means it doesn’t have to make sense. With this letter, Gingrich is seeking to raise money from the same subsegment of the GOP base that vacuums up change from between the couch cushions and sends it to the RNC whenever they get a direct mailer warning about evil immigrant hordes conspiring with Hillary Clinton to abort all Christian fetuses, or something to that effect. Gingrich will turn a nifty profit with this letter, even if it is all nickels, and use the funds to position himself further as the far-right’s darling candidate for the 2012 presidential election. Sense? Meh. There’s money to be made.

So Newt’s email is really about making money off Judge Sotomayor. Nice..and so expected from theses fuckwits. After all, Newt doesn’t have a real how can we expect him to live comfortably without rallying his fellow wingnuts to his latest cause?

Notice that all the wingnuts shooting off their pieholes are not elected republicans. The elected republicans are pissing down both legs at the rhetoric being spewed by the likes of Beck, Gingrich, Liddy, Savage, and of course..Boss Limbaugh. Pitt’s final remarks on what this all means to the The Party Of No:

“After a week of escalating race and gender rhetoric from the right over the Sotomayor nomination, it’s now looking like some in the Republican Party – those concerned with actually getting elected – have become alarmed by the political damage the more extreme members of their party may be doing and are moving to rein in the vitriol,” reported Eric Kleefield of Talking Points Memo on Friday. “It’s the starkest example yet of an interesting division within the right, one that has been apparent for some time, but which the Sotomayor nomination has not only crystallized but accelerated: the right-wing bomb-throwers obsessed with ideological purity versus the right-wing pragmatists who want the party to actually win election again some day.”

By the end of last weekend, Sotomayor Derangement Syndrome had blown this rift within the GOP wide open. Establishment conservatives are now directly pitted against the vocal ideologues on their right flank and a GOP base that seems to be avidly listening to them. For a party already traumatized by arguments over immigration, two decisive routs in a row at the polls, and an absolute absence of any real leadership, the advent of this newest intra-party bloodbath is the worst possible situation.

Stay tuned.

Oh yes..stay tuned. These fuckwits are not even close to shutting the hell up. I hope this blows a huge hole in the republican party, big enough to drive a semi through, driving sane individuals away from them by the thousands. I hope they become marginalized enough that all they represent are the ignorant bigots in the south.

Because that is all they deserve. Keep talking Newtie..keep talking.