Category Archives: Rachel Maddow

Palin goes after Maddow now.

Sista Sarah is now going after Rachel for doing her job, calling her prejudiced against Rand Paul. Watch the video below….if you can stomach it.

Batshit Betsy makes the rounds of MSNBC shows after Rep Weiner slaps her around

After she got her ass handed to her in a live debate with Rep. Anthony Weiner the other nite. She doesn’t come off too well on MSNBC’s shows either..which is an understatement.


Watch Rachel tear into Batshit Betsy then Dylan Ratigan takes his shots with the talented Rep Weiner.

The entire live debate between Weiner and Batshit Betsy below:

Maddow’s ‘after’ MTP interview with Gregory

David Gregory interviews Rachel after the MTP show and asks her opinion of how Obama is doing regarding the progressive pov.

View the video here on my video page.
Thanks C&L, I never would of seen this without your wonderful blog/videocafe!

Maddow interviews Blago

The following is Rachel’s take on the entire interview. She discusses the highlights, or lowlights with a former DOJ Prosecutor and whether Blago slipped up and admitted wrong-doing. Remember, Blago’s attorney quit because he refused to keep his piehole shut and drop his national tour of talk shows. The entire interview can be seen here in sections. {font-size:11px; font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color: #999; margin-top: 5px; background: transparent; text-align: center; width: 425px;} .msnbcLinks a {text-decoration:none !important; border-bottom: 1px dotted #999 !important; font-weight:normal !important; height: 13px;} .msnbcLinks a:link, .msnbcLinks a:visited {color: #5799db !important;} .msnbcLinks a:hover, .msnbcLinks a:active {color:#CC0000 !important;}

Rachel Maddow beats Larry King

In her new time slot, Maddow has beaten ol Larry in the coveted 25-54 demographic.

No shit, is this supposed to be news? Who in their correct frame of mind would watch Larry freaking King over Rachel Maddow?

The TVNewser post goes on to point out what Rachel won’t be tackling, tv journalism issues. It seems she doesn’t own a television. From the writeup:

Maddow won’t touch the turmoil, saying she doesn’t follow media issues. She might be the only TV talk show host who doesn’t own a television – she hasn’t since she left her folks’ house to attend Stanford University. “It’s not like ‘Oh, I am too righteous for television.’ I have a constitutional weakness in which I am very easily distracted by flashing lights. If there is a TV on in the room, I can’t have a conversation with you. I won’t eat, I won’t sleep, I’ll just meld with my couch.”

Damn, I would curl up and start mumbling to myself without my talking box. Seriously…