Category Archives: Samuel Alito

From our dept of WTF?

Orly got Alito to go along? Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously, is this a friggin joke? From TPM:

Birther queen Orly Taitz has spent the better part of a year fighting a $20,000 fine slapped on her by a federal judge for filing frivolous birther lawsuits contesting President Obama’s eligibility to hold the office. A few weeks ago, she applied to the Supreme Court to reverse the fine.

When Justice Clarence Thomas denied her application, she vowed to apply to each of the other justices in turn. The next justice she applied to was Samuel Alito, who has now referred the matter to the to the entire court.

As per her usual, she did it ass-backwards too…read the rest of the writeup. I now firmly believe that Justice Alito is mentally-challenged…a nice way to say he is eff’n retarded. This shows us how far up the federal ladder an idiot and/or rightwing nutter can go folks…sad ain’t it? Damn sad…..scary really.