Category Archives: bury the bastards in hearings

Today is Monica-day up on Capitol Hill

Around 7 AM pacific time TODAY..the hearing will commence my dear reader.The House Hearing with Former White House Liaison for the DoJ, Monica Goodling will be available on TV via CSPAN3. If your at work or outside the U.S., you can watch it online at the CSPAN website here. If your workplace has scrooge-like qualities and you can’t watch streaming video..then you can listen to the proceedings via CSPAN radio here.

Also, TPMmuckraker will provide us with the important grilling, I mean questioning via their live-blogging AND YouTube videos..God, I simply love them for that. I will probably post them here as the hearing progresses. I CAN NOT WAIT for Henry Waxman to get his shot at her, it better be worth the build-up and the hype. She is already trying to withhold documents..DoJ documents I might add.

So pop some popcorn, get comfy if you can and lets see what this witch has to say, after all..they had to cough up immunity to get this bible-thumping, wannabe lawyer to testify.

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What is it with these guys?

After reading several accounts of James Comey’s trip to the Hill Tuesday..I am left with the realization that BushCo will do pretty much anything to get their way, regardless of the legalities of it.

To attempt to get a hospitalized Attorney General to sign off on the illegal wiretapping is friggin outrageous my dear reader. These guys are nucking futs and will pretty much stoop to the lowest level of hell to get their way.

Disgusting..totally friggin’ disgusting.

Condi isn’t cooperating with Waxman’s Oversight Committee either.

It seems that Ms. Rice and her minions are playing hardball with Mr. Waxman and his Oversight committee. If you recall, Waxman requested Ms. Rice’s presence at the Oversight committee in a letter back on March 12th, for an April 18th hearing. Now, almost a month later, the assistant secretary for legislative affairs Jeffery Bergner finally got around to responding to the Waxman letter that also asked for more information about BushCo’s Niger yellowcake claim that he made in his 2003 SOTU speech and Condi’s involvement in that whole sordid affair. He also asked for information about PlameGate and the White House leak of her identity.

To make a long story short, the 17 page response by Jeffrey was severely lacking in substance. He had the nads to send Waxman copies of two letters that were readily available to Mr. Waxman, not to mention they were dated 2003. He also sent Waxman copies of transcripts from a previous hearing that Henry would also have access to. I think Henry is looking for newer information than that, don’t you? Also, the question of Condo’s appearance in front of the Oversight committee wasn’t even addressed.

Isn’t that odd?

Not really, the current administration is quite good at dragging its proverbial feet, in fact I would say they friggin lead the pack when it comes to dragging their feet. Mr. Waxman, not to be one that takes this crap now that he is the head honcho on Oversight..fired back with another letter. Mr. Waxman addresses again the appearance of Condo at the Oversight hearing thusly:

As I hope you can understand, because of the inadequacies of Mr. Bergner’s response, the Committee will not withdraw the invitation for you to testify on April 18,2007.

Hang in there Henry!!! Don’t let the bastards blow you off dude! God, I love this guy.

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And the hits just keep on coming…Condi on the clock

From Waxman’s Oversight Committee website:

The Committee has formally requested Secretary Rice to testify before the Oversight Committee on April 18th regarding the Administration’s claims that Iraq sought uranium from Niger, White House treatment of classified information, the appointment of Ambassador Jones as “special coordinator” for Iraq, and other subjects.

More Must See TV!!! Will BushCo try to weasel out of this? Stay tuned 🙂

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