Monthly Archives: February 2006

Good News Bad News

You want the good news first correct?

My laptop is fixed..PRAISE JESUS AND HAND IT OVER!

The bad news is this:

The dipshits at Best Buy didn’t or couldn’t save my data..meaning all my research for the Eddie Jagels piece is gone..poof..up in smoke.

Gotta get moving on recreating all that stuff..hell I never remember web address’s. But I will start w/google and move on from there.

Halliburton fucking US and didn’t even kiss US first.

No way..they are NOT making that kind of cash off the American people..Jesus Christ in a thong..there is NO WAY they are getting paid for their overruns, their nasty food, their tainted water…all the bullshit they have pulled on the American Public and the soldiers during this friggin war..what in the blue hell is the government, let me put it in plain english:
The Army has decided to reimburse a Halliburton subsidiary for nearly all of its disputed costs on a $2.41 billion no-bid contract to deliver fuel and repair oil equipment in Iraq, even though the Pentagon’s own auditors had identified more than $250 million in charges as potentially excessive or unjustified. Thats Billion..not million..look at the cost of this war..and who is benefitting.

Their contract was NO BID..they got it hands down..without a fight, without a fuss..its GOOD BUSINESS..for them. The governments own auditors said they were fucking us in the ass..literally and figuratively to the tune of..are you ready????…250 MILLION LARGE.

They, as in the government..meaning the military aka the Army..are going to say..FUCK IT and pay Halliburton..

The Army has decided to reimburse a Halliburton subsidiary for nearly all of its disputed costs on a $2.41 billion no-bid contract to deliver fuel and repair oil equipment in Iraq, even though the Pentagon’s own auditors had identified more than $250 million in charges as potentially excessive or unjustified. I figured I would repeat the numbers..just in case you really didn’t grasp them. such BULLSHIT..its why we went to war in the first place, inspite of the horseshit reason the Shrub’s administration gave make these companies rich..disgustingly rich..WAR IS GOOD BUSINESS…if you are a large multi-corporational company like Halliburton.

How can they make an argument for paying these bastards? HOW?????? What makes it ok? Don’t tell me its in the heat of war..thats total bullshit. It makes me sick to my stomach. We have people sleeping in hallways after Katrina..or six to a hotel room who don’t deserve that kind of treatment..but its OK to pay these bastards their pound of flesh for whatever reason they use to justify their cost overruns.

I am so disgusted with this makes no kills hurts to know that its OK to fuck the taxpaying public and the victims of this one company..Tricky Dicks boyz..can make a friggin ton of cash off our backs, off the dead soldiers. Rip off my purse why don’t ya Dick??? I can’t afford your gas prices, but by all means..fuck me in the ass over this shit..I love how my tax dollars fill the coffers of these bastards..They dont look at the pump prices as they drive by..but I fucking do..ya bastards.

The link to this madness is here at

Dick Cheney’s got a gun ala Aerosmith

You would swear its Steven Tyler singing it.

Thank you to Karen Zipdrive for the link 🙂

I do not have my laptop yet*sigh*

Fitzpatrick confirms new emails from Cheney’s office contradict Tricky Dick’s statements regarding PlameGate.

Truthout has released a story that states 250 NEW emails have been discovered that discredit Tricky Dick’s assertion that he didn’t know squat about the Valerie Plame leak. The story is by Jason Leopold and can be seen here. Also today…Scooter’s attorneys asked that the charges against him be dropped today..LOL..dream on dude.

Cheney is really gonna want a drink after the smoke clears on this new twist in PlameGate..stay tuned sportsfans 🙂

Oh for the love of Pete..

Now it comes out that the Shrub didn’t know diddly about the UAE deal till it was a done deal? Is this man a friggin robot that Krazy Karl invented? He’s a damn mushroom evidently..they keep his dumb ass in the dark and feed em bullshit…

And what really sets my teeth to knashing..he has the nads to defend the deal when it was news to him in the first place..”gee, it must be a good deal, my boyz set it up”..typical Repube..just follow the company line..don’t question, just a fucking lemming to the sea.

The newswires are ripe with stories on this..its got to be the biggest boondoggle the Shrub and his merry band of pranksters have pulled in..oh..a week or two..

Calgon..take me away…I got a headache over this shit.

Over at the Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel has a nice writeup about what the deal is..and what’s being overlooked.

Edit: The State of New Jersey has filed suit regarding the UAE deal. A federal judge has ordered the Shrub to produce documents AND the Governor of Jersey is trying to get other states affected by this bonehead move to join his lawsuit. Truthout’s article on this new wrinkle is here.