Category Archives: MoveOn

Koch Bros Convention draws plenty of protesters

From LAT

The rich folks in Rancho Mirage were not amused by protesters that showed up to voice their distaste with the Koch Brothers Billionaire Caucus this weekend. To which I say: Too effin bad mutha fuckas! From Dave Dayden’s piece over at FDL:

Twenty-five protesters were arrested in Rancho Mirage, California today, at a protest in front of the Rancho Las Palmas resort, site of the “Billionaire’s Caucus,” an annual meeting put on by the Koch Brothers and other corporate entities and conservative movement operators.

Riverside Sheriff’s deputy Melissa Nieburger said that the sheriff’s department did have contacts with protest organizers, which included the California Courage Campaign, CREDO,,, the California Nurses Association, United Domestic Workers of America and the main sponsor, the good-government group Common Cause, prior to the event, and that they were aware that some protesters would seek to be arrested for trespassing. She would not guarantee that all 25 who were arrested were part of that coordinated operation. The police, who wore riot gear, batons and helmets, did put the arrested into plastic handcuffs. Nieburger described them as “passive restraints.” They were being processed at press time, and Nieburger would not say whether they would be released or would spend the night at the jail in Indio. Read the rest of this entry

The violent rightwing nutters have to be stopped..curbstomping women is never justified

Timmy ‘the thug’ Profitt with his man Rand

After MoveOn’s Lauren Valle’s head was stomped into a curb by a member of Rand Pauls’ team..I mean, thug, things have gotten to the end of the line as far as I am concerned. A rightwinger named Silverfiddle likes to comment on my blog when I post something negative about the batshit crazies known to us as Teabaggers.

He had the nads to post this quote on the post below this one…I quote him:

Thuggery begets thuggery… 

He gives nothing to support his comment, but as far as his rightwing nutter-ass is concerned, this type of behavior is evidently any situation.

It’s not…not by any group or individual. It’s disgusting, it’s ignorant and as far as I am concerned, its against the law as it’s an attack without provocation, because the individual, Tim Profitt, who stomped Lauren’s head and neck, is a truck load of pond scum who has zero credibility as an intelligent, thinking, rational human being.

Rand Paul originally loved this jackhole,as he listed his dumb ass as a wonderful, magnanimous supporter, ole Timmy had given him roughly 1500 bucks, per Lawrence O’Donnells show….before he moved far far away from this bag of batshit and dumped his disgusting ass after he curbstomped a small, unarmed female exercising her right to free speech. From the FDL piece linked above:

The Paul campaign has disassociated with Profitt, who was the campaign’s Bourbon County coordinator. But before they did, in today’s Lexington Herald-Leader, the Paul campaign ran a full-page ad touting Profitt’s support:Profitt’s name appears at the bottom of the ad.

If this doesn’t show the voters of KY wtf they will get if they elect Rand Paul…then they are so far gone over the edge, it is fucking hopeless. They are nothing more than ignorant, uneducated assholes who care nothing about the constitution or the bill of rights….merely getting a white male-led government again…ala George W. Bush.

I am happy to report this bag of sheep shit has been ordered to appear in court after Lauren was released from the hospital with a concussion. The sumbitch actually is defending his actions by blaming the ‘camera angle’, that he was concerned for Rand Paul’s safety and (I love this one) the cops should of intervened. From the Chron  link above:

Lexington Division of Police spokeswoman Sherelle Roberts said Tuesday that officers will deliver a summons to Profitt to appear in court. A judge will determine whether to proceed with an assault case.

Profitt said the fight never would have occurred if police officers had intervened earlier.

“A friend of mine went up to three policeman before Rand got there, and told them about the girl who was standing there with that wig on and that she was getting ready to do something,” Profitt said. “The policemen looked at him and said that’s not our job.”

 Oh yeah…a small female holding nothing but a cardboard sign was going to harm Rand Paul. Give me an effin break you American Terrorist. You fucking bully. You are a disgusting piece of human excrement Tim Profitt and I hope to hell you have charges to face in court…although considering the venue, I highly doubt it. The fight? You stupid fuck, there was no fight, she simply tried to protect herself from you stupid bastards..nothing more.

UPDATE: Lisa Graas, a KY blogger has Id’d the second asshole that went after Lauren.  His name is Mike Pezzano. Another douche nozzle who hopefully gets a summons to appear in court on this attack as well.

Video: Rand’s Teaparty Thugs stomp activist from MoveOn

Sick batshit bastards…yeah, they just can’t handle anything out of their own little world can they? And these fuckers vote? Scary shit…very scary how our country has turned to this type of violence. Free speech? Not at a Rand Paul event evidently. MoJo has more detailed story here.

Sign the statement here to demand that the assholes that run the Republican Party, Rand Paul and all their fuckwitted candidates denounce these batshit teabaggers and their violence.