Category Archives: Public Option

The Public Option is dead.

AP is reporting the spineless Dem’s have reached agreement on the Senate healthcare bill. Reportedly, it does not include the Public Option. Reuters on the other hand..reports that Harry Reid has stated the Public Option is not dead. Which is it for Christs sake?

Fuckers…you worthless, ball-less fuckers. I hope you lose in Nevada Harry Reid. By a fucking landslide.

Public Option dies in Senate Finance Committee, Thank You Blue Dogs!

Twice today the Senate Finance committee fucked the voters. Read it and weep:

The Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday rejected by 15 to 8 a “public option,” or government-run health insurance plan — the first significant setback for the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.

Five Democrats joined all 10 Republicans in opposing the plan, suggesting that more trouble lies ahead when the House of Representatives and full Senate consider the legislation in mid-to-late-October. Four committees, three in the House and the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, previously had backed the government-run option.

Want to know which Democrat’s fucked us? Here they are:

Democratic opponents of a public option cited a variety of reasons for their opposition, including concerns about the impact of a public plan on rural areas and its ultimate cost. Democrats opposed to a public option were Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., Tom Carper, D-Del., Kent Conrad, D-N.D., Bill Nelson, D-Fla., and Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark.

Fucking DINO’s. Punk ass bitches. Newsweek’s take on today’s bullshit:

The committee then voted on a similar, if slightly less liberal, amendment offered by Chuck Schumer of New York. It was shot down 13-10 with two Democrats, Nelson and Carper, switching their positions.

Prospects for a public option aren’t entirely dead. There’s still the possibility of a public-option trigger that Olympia Snowe, who voted against Rockerfeller today, has expressed support for. It has yet to be discussed by the Finance Committee.

Not once but twice the fuckers fucked us. Ain’t that some shit.

Oh and fuck Snowe’s trigger option. Trigger is a friggin horse or part of a gun for christ’s sake.

Michael Moore says it best for me.