Category Archives: Dizzy Rocks

Check her out…

I don’t get by Dizzy’s blog enough. Hell, I barely have time to visit ANY blogs anymore, with starting up Sirens Chronicles and all..its hard work keeping 10 women happy and writing..lemme tell ya, not to mention when site problems arise w/the template I want to stick my head in the toilet and flush..

But Dizzy is a good person with a lot on her plate..and she don’t bitch about know I would for the love of Pete..but this isn’t about moi. Dizzy is an Army wife that homeschools her two youngest children. She is sassy, funny and sometimes..very good at ripping someone a new asshole.

She’s my kinda women. She has a good outlook on life and the bullshit that comes with it.

So..what are you waiting for? Go check her out, we don’t have enough good people like her around in our lives.