Category Archives: f-bomb

Vasgersian drops the f-bomb on MLB Network

As a lifelong Padre fan, I am very familiar with the nimrod known as Matt Vasgersian. I really am not a fan of his as far as his skills at calling a baseball game….but he is ok on the new MLB Network. Bet the sponsors just love him after his ‘wtf is that’ moment yesterday:

Congrats Matty, you were the first jock on the network to blow it.

Joey Scar drops the f-bomb on Morning Joe.

W00t! From Rawstory:

MSNBC morning host Joe Scarborough absentmindedly let slip an expletive during Monday morning’s broadcast.

“These are good decent steady men who don’t go around flipping people off or screaming ‘fuck you’ at the top of their lungs,” Scarborough said, (about the 2:30 point in the video here).

…all the guests notice and mention the obviously missing seven second delay.

Someone then whispers to Joey Scar what he did..and he starts to apologize profusely.

Love It!!! ;p