Category Archives: Kerik

Your Friday Political corruption post..

Ah yes..we start off today with the indictment of Bernard Kerik. Asshat was charged with at least major transgressions. From the NYT writeup:

A federal grand jury today indicted Bernard B. Kerik, the former New York police commissioner appointed by Rudolph W. Giuliani while he was mayor, on charges that include tax fraud, obstruction of justice and lying to the White House.

n announcing the indictment, Michael J. Garcia, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, said it was a “sad day when this office returns an indictment against a former law enforcement officer, particularly one who served in positions as high as those held by Bernard Kerik.”

The charges against him together carry a maximum penalty of 142 years in prison and $4.7 million in fines. According to sentencing guidelines, he will most likely face lesser penalties.

The man was ALMOST the head of Homeland Security..thank god that didn’t happen. Smarmy bastid that he is..

That’s it for this week. Last week the federal contractor Brent Wilkes was found guilty on all counts..YAY!

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