Category Archives: vacations are not always interesting

As my vacation comes to a close..I find the internet drawing me back in.

I have basically been ‘internet-less’ for the better part of 10 straight days. I also found that at my sisters house the word “news” means whats going on with Paris Hilton and Lindsey Lohan. My niece doesn’t seem disposed to discuss her current job in that left me with plenty of time to…


I am at the end of my two week hiatus and currently in Las Vegas. That wonderful place that is all about consumerism and self-indulgence. How do I indulge myself you ask


Now, I know I sleep alot, but the last two weeks have been vastly different than the sleep I get at my own humble abode. There have been no animals to deprive me of my sleep and until yesterday no husband to ask me dumb questions like’Whats for dinner?’ and “did you feed and/or medicate the animals yet? “

So, I find myself looking forward to getting home Wednesday afternoon and resuming my regular life. I have missed politics, my cats and dogs and yes my dear reader…even my husband. I was happy to see that little changed during my hiatus..Bush is still a fuckwit and Scooter is still looking at sharing a cell with some bad man named Bubba with a penchant for man on man sex.

Sadly, the people of Darfur are still being killed and pretty white women are still being kidnapped and snuffed out like a candle in the wind.

I have to go down to the bar now and toss back a few while I attempt to win a small fortune.

I promise to read some actual news this evening..unless Pat makes me some exceptionally strong Vodka and sodas with two limes….or I actually hit a jackpot.