Category Archives: House Judicial committee

Colbert’s opening statement to House Judiciary Committee

Colbert made many valid points, but my question is this: Did they, meaning the Congress Critters, take him seriously as he was ‘in character’ and had some really asinine remarks in between his facts, like agriculture is planted at ground level and this practice needs to change. Watch it below and you tell me.

You can watch the entire hearing here on CSPAN.

Update: Both video’s courtesy of TPMTv. Here is Colbert being questioned by Congress Critters. He doesn’t seem to have much, if any, information when asked specific questions. If it’s a joke, it’s on Congress for allowing him to testify.

Send Rover to jail? Oh hell yes..

New video from Robert Greenwald and his Brave New Films group. Visit the website here. From an email I got this morning:

All we have to do is pressure the 40 members of the House Judiciary Committee, make them hold Rove in contempt and send him to jail. We’ve never had such a direct opportunity to hold Rove accountable. No, this is not enough punishment for his years and years of crimes, but it’s a huge start, and will send a very clear message to the entire Bush administration.

We put together this video to explain the issues surrounding Rove’s failure to testify before Congress, and why Rove should be held in contempt and sent to jail. Check out Send Karl Rove to Jail, and sign our petition to ensure that the HJC holds Rove in contempt.

Former AG John Ashcroft in the hot seat this morning.

The lilting tones of John Ashcroft are wafting through the halls of Congress this morning as Ashcroft testifies in front of the House Judiciary Committee.

If your bored, or interested, its on Cspan online as well as Cspan tv. Haven’t heard anything earth shattering yet. If I will be the first folks I tell..pinky swear. 😉


As usual for a Bushie, Ashcroft the AssRocket couldn’t recall diddly. But he did say unequivocally that waterboarding isn’t torture. Watch him say it below:

Don’t forget..tomorrow Scotty McClellan is on the Hill!

It starts bright and early here on the left coast..7am. CSPAN will be covering it live both on tv and their online site.

Look, I don’t have much faith that he will give up any real juicy tidbits, but one can hope for such bounties and watching it will at least provide a break from the election bullshit that all the 24 hour news stations are giving us at this point.

Dipshit will be appearing in front of the House Judiciary committee, which is chaired by John Conyers. They also will most likely provide streaming video.

You can’t bitch about it if you don’t watch it! That’s my story and I am sticking to it. ;p

Graphic by the multi-talented Dark Black.