Category Archives: there is more to life than politics people

The Loo…

I never close the bathroom door. Hardly ever. That is because it is the smallest friggin bathroom in the contiguous states and frankly if I am in there for any decent amount of time..I get claustrophobic as hell and then I don’t finish my business.

Besides, its off the beaten path and it’s not like anyone will have to see me sitting there. You have to make two turns to get into that little room and everyone knows that if they see the light is in there, so they just scream to ‘hurry the fuck up’ and go wait somewhere.

Now, most people bring a book or periodical in with them, me..hell, I got felines to watch.

Yes, my cats all come into the bathroom and play whilst I am doing my ‘bidness’. Its interesting and sometimes I get involved in their playing around.

See, no wall or floorspace is wasted in that little friggin room. If you happen to be over six feet tall, its a real bitch to sit down. Your knees will smash up against the side of the sink cabinet..or so my tall son tells me. So, that means I can turn on the faucet whilst I am sitting on the crapper with little to no effort on my part.

The cats love to play with the water and I will occasionally revert the spray so that it drenches one of them. It might sound mean, but they should know that about me by now..wouldn’t you think? Then there is the empty toilet paper roll to play with..oh the fun!

Now, for the rare times I do not want their company, and actually close the door..they still manage to get in. They send Crazy Patty to open the door. She is quite good at getting the bathroom door open, even when you hear the click of the latch..Patty can usually manage to jimmy the damn thing enough to get it open.

Then they all come parading in so innocently.

Playing hide and seek in the tub/shower is another of their favorite things to do whilst I am trying to …well…you know.

I have informed the Ball n’ Chain™ that I need a new door latch..I do expect some amount of privacy in’s not always fun and games time for the love of Pete.

He just smiled his Buddha smile..which means I won’t be getting a new lock. See..they don’t bother him when he’s in there.

Tonight was hot but good music trumps hot and muggy

I saved up for this evenings festivities for three months..and since I haven’t missed Smoking Joe Bonamassa’s visits to Bako evah…I wasn’t going to let being broke change that. I just couldn’t buy the usual rock know..t-shirt or baseball cap ( I have all his albums)..ah well..such is life.

I had an excellent seat, smack dab in the middle of the 12th row! He did two encores bless his heart and he did not disappoint.

Now of course, my back is killing me..bench seats aren’t the best for three blown discs, but I would of gone regardless of the pain, believe me when I say that.

He took me away from all my problems for two hours. He took me away from politics too. He had me tapping my foot, clapping and hollering like a kid again. He made me smile, sing and feel good for two whole hours..

Thank you Joe..your a gem my man, and your good for whatever ails a soul too 😉

The video is Joe doing Burning Hell..appropriate since the temp at the start of the concert was a triple digit 100 even, with humidity off the friggin charts. With all the fires burning in NorCal..our air is poison right now too for an asthmatic like moi…but NOTHING was going to stop me from my appointed rounds tonight. NOTHING I tell ya!

I love this man’s music..and I hope all six of my dear, sweet, wonderful readers enjoy him as well.

ps..I have no idea why Blogger adds that friggin picture at the bottom of the video.