Monthly Archives: September 2006

Who knew..and when did they know it?

Seems all of the republican heirarchy knew of Foley’s actions months in advance. They are now furiously pointed at the next guy up the ladder..all the way to Dennis the Menace Hastert.

This is gonna get ugly for the Repubes ..a ripple effect that could ensnare others up for re-election in Nov..

Think about it. Yahoo has the figure pointing by each level of the chain of command here. Will the Moral Majority come out of this without the shit splashing all over a few others? The Dem’s will ride this pony if they have an ounce of sense..

Just sayin..all is fair in love and politics right before an election..long as it isn’t lies and innuendo..

You know what trips me out..ABC was the one breaking the story. The channel that brought us Path to 9/11 and features guys like John Stossel..well.. folks just redeemed themselves…ya think?

Sections of Foley’s convo with a 16 year old male.

Remember, this man, Mark Foley, that is part of the Republican leadership and the chairman of the House caucus on missing and exploited children. He crusaded for tough laws against those who used the Internet for sexual exploitation of children. Talk about a friggin hypocrite. The abc website states authorities have stated Foley can face prosecution for this. The transcript is from ABC New’s website from an Instant Message convo. The language gets much more graphic than what is printed on the site, too graphic to be broadcast, and at one point the congressman appears to be describing Internet sex per the ABC article.

An elected representative, who resigns this quickly without any charges being filed against him is admitting guilt at some level. Randy Cunningham stuck it out until the case was made against him. He even stood for relection while under investigation claiming his innocence the entire time. Foley’s handler read a statement from Foley. In a statement, he said he was “deeply sorry” and apologized for letting down his family and the people of Florida.

Another Republican congressman resigns

Damn..this one has nothing to do with Jack Abramoff, or Randy Duke Cunningham. But it is about emails to underage male congressional pages.

When people started asking questions he just quit his job of representing the people of FL. As this article on Forbes states; Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., submitted a letter of resignation from Congress on Friday in the wake of questions about e-mails he wrote a former male page, according to a congressional official.

Foley, 52, had been considered a shoo-in for re-election until the e-mails surfaced in recent days.

Damn..the Dem’s will pick this one up in a cakewalk?

Bakersfield cop doesn’t pass Review Board on shooting uninvolved citizen.

First, the officer has had 7 previous shooting incidents reviewed. For a city the size and population of Bakersfield, CA.. that is quite high in my humble opinion. My uncle, a 30 year veteran of the LAPD, the last 10 in the gang detail, didn’t have that many his entire career. This last one didn’t pass muster, however, unlike the previous 7 for Sergeant Scott.

He fired his weapon in an apartment complex and one of the bullets went through an exterior wall and wounded someone in an apartment. If that wasn’t bad enough, they also busted his nads about the methods he used to corral and stop the vehicle: “Police also said Scott violated the department’s Emergency Vehicle Operations Policy by using unapproved blocking and ramming techniques”.

The police report on the issue does state he passed all state and federal laws with respect to guidelines for using deadly force. That’s comforting…He still fired his weapon in an apartment complex. It was one of three bullets he fired at the fleeing suspect. There were four suspects total. According to the writeup in the local rag, The Bakersfield Californian: “Police said Scott “used poor judgment in the discharge of his firearm within close proximity of an occupied residential complex.”

They don’t say if they recovered a weapon from any of the subjects. The subject, who was 16, was later found at his home. This article from one of the local tv stations states the kid was not involved in the alleged armed robbery for which Sergeant Scott was chasing him.

Shoot first and ask questions later.. The suspect was fleeing, the other 3 did not resist. It wasn’t as if he confronted the cop or burnished a weapon.

The 9/11 report, has it been forgotten?

Well, for starters… This is what is at the top of the site if you enter it today:

“This web site was frozen on September 20, 2004 at 12:00 AM, EDT. It is now a Federal record managed by the National Archives and Records Administration. External links were active as of that date and time. For technical issues, contact For questions about the web site, contact”

Frozen in time..kinda creepy, but lets turn back the clock..

On July 22nd, 2004, almost 3 years after the attack of the twin towers..the 9/11 Commission released its report. How has our President complied with the recommendations of the panel?

He hasn’t.

And evidently he thinks no one will pay attention to their recommendations at this point in our history. I beg to differ Mr. President. I take offense to the fact that you have spent billions of tax dollars on “securing the homeland” and yet failed to heed any of the recommendations put forth in that report. As it says in the Statement of the Chair and Vice Chair of the commission to wit:

What we can say with confidence is that none of the measures adopted
by the U.S. government before 9/11 disturbed or even delayed the progress of the al Qaeda

No shit.

I guess when Richard Clarke tried to make his points they all fell on deaf ears? Richard Clarke is the ONLY person charged with dealing with the terrorist problem through 4 Presidents: Reagan, Bush the 1st, Clinton and Bush the 2nd..otherwise known here as the “Shrub”..but I digress…

The Shrub tried to blow off the commission as per this CBS report: May 23, 2002-President Bush took a few minutes during his trip to Europe Thursday to voice his opposition to establishing a special commission to probe how the government dealt with terror warnings before Sept. 11. Mr. Bush said the matter should be dealt with by congressional intelligence committees.”–Excuse me Mr. President, but the congress didn’t have a fucking thing to do with how we dealt with the threat of Al-Qaeda or any other terrorist threat prior to 9/11, and even now..they merely rubber stamp anything your candy ass requests.

Now, lets note what it was the commission stated needed to be done to keep the terrorists from our doorstep:

  • The U.S. government must identify and prioritize actual or potential terrorist sanctuaries.
  • The United States should make the difficult long-term commitment to the future of Pakistan.
  • The United States and the international community should make a long-term commitment to a secure and stable Afghanistan.
  • The problems in the U.S.-Saudi relationship must be confronted, openly.
  • The U.S. government must define what the message is, that for which it stands.

Has our government done ANY of these things? Has our President paid one ounce of attention to the recommendations of the commission?

The answer is a resounding NO. Afganistan is falling back into the hands of the terrorists, and our government sits and watches with minimal troops and money put into Afganistan.

Months after the 9/11 Commission had officially issued its report and ceased its functions, Chairman Kean and other commissioners toured the country to draw attention to the recommendations of the Commission for reducing the terror risk, claiming that some of their recommendations were being ignored. Co-chairs Kean and Hamilton wrote a book about the constraints they faced as commissioners titled Without Precedent: The Inside Story of the 9/11 Commission.

Let me leave you with Richard Clarke’s words prior to the last presidential election, with regard to how this president has dealt with the terrorists that want to kill us:

“Frankly,” he said, “I find it outrageous that the president is running for re-election on the grounds that he’s done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something to stop 9/11. Maybe. We’ll never know.”

This sumbitch continues to do NOTHING.. his own military men confront him and demand the resignation of Rumsfeld, reports from his own departments say he has made the problem worse with regard to building the terrorist’s base.

And yet..the Shrub and his minions..among them, Condolezza Rice continue to blame former President Clinton for the destruction of the twin towers,eventhough a memo exists that blows her ass to hell and back? What balls they have..or perhaps, they hope we all have very short memories…

I do not have a short memory and the internet still holds the truth. Read it, my dear it and vote this November.

Vote for change. Clip the Shrub’s friggin wings.Do Not let him continue to blame Iraq for our woes, do NOT let him continue to “stay the course”.Do NOT let him start any shit with Iran. Do NOT let him continue to rape our country of its financial resources in the name of his GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR.

Tags: 9/11 Commission,Politics,Bush,Iraq,War on Terror