Category Archives: Protect America Act my ass

Protect America? They can’t even protect their own computer system.

From AP/CommonDreams:
Multiple congressional computers have been hacked by people working from inside China, lawmakers said Wednesday, suggesting the Chinese were seeking lists of dissidents.
Two congressmen, both longtime critics of Beijing’s record on human rights, said the compromised computers contained information about political dissidents from around the world. One of the lawmakers said he’d been discouraged from disclosing the computer attacks by other U.S. officials.

Virginia Rep. Frank Wolf said four of his computers were compromised, beginning in 2006. New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith, a senior Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said two of his computers were attacked, in December 2006 and March 2007.

We are being led by fuckwits people. They concentrate on spying within the US and the folks outside the US are having a fucking field day. Jesus H. Christ.

If you think the Telco’s don’t have the Dems in their pocket..think again.

Surely this isn’t a surprise to anyone that pays attention. In an investigative piece for TruthOut, Matt Renner’s opening salvo is this:

A think tank with close ties to the telecommunication industry has been working with a key Democrat in the Senate on a domestic surveillance bill that would provide telecommunications companies with retroactive immunity for possibly violating federal law by spying on American citizens at the behest of the Bush administration.

Well, I’ll be damned..somehow I kinda figured with Rockefeller leading the charge there had to be an ulterior motive involved. Isn’t ‘think tank’ just a code word for special interests these days?

Third Way, a non-profit “progressive” think tank that is funded and controlled by hedge fund managers, corporate lawyers and business executives has advised Sen. Jay Rockefeller on a domestic surveillance bill that includes immunity for telecommunications companies with which Third Way board members have close ties.

Rockefeller is the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and has been the leading Democratic proponent of granting immunity to telecommunication companies that allegedly gave spy agencies access to their communication networks and databases without a warrant.

“I think we will prevail,” Rockefeller told the Politico on January 23, referring to the disagreement over retroactive immunity for telecoms, “it’s a pretty bad idea to appear cocky … I’m not pessimistic.”

Democrats connected to Third Way were integral in defeating a bill, supported by a majority of Senate Democrats, which might have prevented the telecoms from getting immunity.

Fuckers…read the’s guaranteed to piss you off my dear reader. If it doesn’t piss you didn’t need those pesky civil rights anyway..

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